
drumroll please...

first thunderstorm I've seen in years.
last night in Chicago- staying at jeremy and martha's.
hangin even though jeremy just got back from europe last night. what a pal.


pARTy animals

Kids in Chicago are so mellow and laid-back.
It's all about good times and cheap beer.
Which is great if you wanna party or chill- not so much if you wanna sell high priced and sophisticated works of art... (note: BAD fashion)
The party was fun though. I sold some t-shirts. And what really made the night special- my eye got better! I am so thrilled!!


Tres Chic Ago

Kate and Martha are cute as ever...
Here's one of my chicago-made pieces in full...


The Fine Print part 2

More details. Get the full picture this Friday in Chicago.

The Fine Print

A preview. It's all in the details. See the whole thing this Friday in Chicago.


ART is PARTY's middle name


all work, some play

PROOF: I have been working on stuff. If you are in Chicago, come see it on Friday!

Streetlight people

My friend Kelley D (world-famous world-traveller) made this video/montage for me- and I am speechless. I miss her. She's one of the good ones.