
"The opposite of tequila, but hilarious."

New Years Eve 2007 was spent in Chicago. It was one of the most top new years I can remember. Even though it was 10 degrees and blizzarding, we went to the Hideout for the annual nye party.
Jimmy came to town too, from Austin. It was just like old times! Except that this day marked the first day in Chicago history of no smoking in bars. It was bizzare. But nice that I didn't have to wash my hair the next day. Jeremy declared that he was never going to do laundry again.
Countdown to 2008...
Bobby clearly started off the new year in the best possible way. And this is already the top picture of 2008.
After a radical dance party where the radical dj played almost all the songs I requested, we headed over to Erdman's party. I don't have many pictures, but there were fireworks mishaps in the snow I wish I had captured.

We trampled through the snow back to Jeremy and Martha's for the after-after party. I don't remember much of this. Finally went to sleep around 5:30am, (normally I would have fallen asleep long before this, but we drank a lot of green tea before going out. This is key for nights like New Years when you want to maximize the fun.)
Everything was awesome- and I didn't even ruin my shoes! So far 2008 is the best year of my life!

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